June, 2011: Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Based on the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for Alternative Energy at Wallops Flight Facility, NASA has issued a FONSI, meaning that an Environmental Impact Statement is not needed for the project as proposed. The FONSI can be viewed by clicking here.
NASA's responses to comments received on the Final EA can be viewed by clicking here.
Final EA Wallops Flight Facility Alternative Energy Project (Entire Documents)
Final Alternative Energy EA Appendices (Download by Appendix)
A limited number of hard copies of the Alternative Energy Final EA are available by contacting:
Shari Miller
NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Mailstop 250.W
Wallops Island, Virginia 23337;
fax 757-824-1819; or
electronic mail at: Shari.A.Miller@nasa.gov.
The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Wallops Flight Facility Alternative Energy Project and its Appendices are still available online and can be viewed by clicking here.