NASA Scientific Balloon Program Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) (Entire Documents)

NASA Scientific Balloon Program Final PEA Appendices (Download by Appendix)

Appendix A – NASA BPO Application and Checklists (8.4 MB)
Appendix B – NASA BPO Environmental Checklist (0.43 MB)
Appendix C – Initial Agency Coordination Letter and Responses (1.54 MB)
Appendix D – FAA Letter of Agreement (1.07 MB)
Appendix E – Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Speices (0.32 MB)
Appendix F – Federally Listed Speices with Designated Critical Habitat within the CSBF Operations Area (0.28 MB)
Appendix G – Draft PEA Comment Letters (0.65 MB)


Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Federal Register Notice

The NASA Scientific Balloon Program Final PEA is available at the following locations:


Fort Sumner Public Library, 235 West Sumner Avenue, Fort Sumner, New Mexico 88119 (575-355-2832)

Palestine Public Library, 1101 North Cedar Street, Palestine, Texas 75801 (903-729-4121)

NASA Headquarters Library, Room 1J20, 300 E Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20546-0001 (202-358-0168)

A limited number of hard copies of the NASA Scientific Balloon Program Final PEA are available by contacting:

250/NEPA Manager
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's
Wallops Flight Facility
Wallops Island, Virginia 23337;

telephone 757-824-2327; or

electronic mail at:

For additional information regarding NASA's Scientific Balloon Program please click here.