Program Areas - Oil Spill Prevention & Response

Program Manager: Harry Stein (301) 286-9233

Training Course: Integrated Contingency Plan Training (ICP)

Wallops Flight Facility has followed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for consolidating multiple plans that the facility has prepared, to comply with various regulations, into one functional emergency response plan or ICP. The ICP requires that all personnel who generate, handle, or store hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or petroleum products, as part of their job, receive training that teaches the proper emergency response methods.

All personnel who either generate, handle, or store hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or petroleum products and all emergency responders are required to take this training. For example:

  • Fire Department Personnel
  • Environmental Personnel
  • Scientists/Engineers who work with the above materials
  • Hazardous Materials Shippers
  • Logistics Personnel
  • Facilities Maintenance Personnel (who either work with the above materials or may be called to assist in remediation after an emergency)
  • Satellite Accumulation Area Points-of-Contact and Alternates
  • ANY other personnel who have more than casual contact with hazardous materials, hazardous waste, or petroleum products

ICP Training Presentation

ICP Documents Page (Internal-only)